Accessibility tools shouldn’t be like the duct tape the plumber slaps on your pipework to cover leaky cracks. The plumber may apply the expert fix for an issue on one house call, but does not transfer to you, the homeowner, the skills to address the next leak yourself. Over the last decade we’ve talked a lot about developing and understanding standards, upcoming laws and regulations, identifying the right tools to use and incorporating accessibility development and testing into the Agile lifecycle. The common misconception is that accessibility is a single, stand-alone project. However, in order to succeed, evidence shows that you must take a closer look at implementing accessibility into your organization’s business processes.
Thursday, Nov 12 2020
11:00 - 12:30
Topic Area: Manage projects to ensure accessibility
Target Audience: Practitioners are who are looking to apply best practices within a structured approach in order to increase organizational maturity and sustain digital accessibility
Provider: IAAP
This class or event is (select all that apply): Webinar
Is this available to all Federal employees?: Yes
Is this available to the public?: Yes
Registration Link: Register